Pathogenesis: How Germs Made History | 拾書所

Pathogenesis: How Germs Made History

$ 649 元 原價 649
傳染病與人類的關係是如此密切,透過歷史上傳染病大流行的紀錄,對人類文明全面性的衝擊造成改變,對照Covid-19大流行的發生,該如何視危機為轉機,迎向正在劇變的新世界! ✰ 衛報等英美各大媒體報導! 當致命病毒和細菌病原體遇上缺乏免疫力的人群,結果會⋯?社會學家及公共衛生學者甘迺迪新作從微生物的角度解讀世界史,獲經濟學人、時代、金融時報等重要媒體關注。 Humans did not make history - we played host. According to the accepted narrative of progress, a few great humans have bent the arc of history. But in this revelatory book, Dr Jonathan Kennedy argues that germs have done more to shape humanity at every stage, from the first success of Homo sapiens over the equally intelligent Neanderthals to the fall of Rome and the rise of Islam.

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