Cloud Cuckoo Land | 拾書所

Cloud Cuckoo Land

$ 399 元 原價 399
普立茲獎得主《呼喚奇蹟的光》作者最新作! ✰ 紐時暢銷榜奇幻古書紀事 一本關於希望與韌性的小說,關於書本、關於地球、關於人類的心。 失傳的古希臘書籍串連15世紀的君士坦丁堡、2020年的愛荷華州小鎮和22世紀的宇宙飛船。 被迫提早長大的孩子在逆境中找到韌性和希望。 When everything is lost, it’s our stories that survive How do we weather the end of things? Cloud Cuckoo Land brings together an unforgettable cast of dreamers and outsiders from past, present and future to offer a vision of survival against all odds. Constantinople, 1453: An orphaned seamstress and a cursed boy with a love for animals risk everything on opposite sides of a city wall to protect the people they love. Idaho, 2020: An impoverished, idealistic kid seeks revenge on a world that’s crumbling around him. Can he go through with it when a gentle old man stands between him and his plans? Unknown, Sometime in the Future: With her tiny community in peril, Konstance is the last hope for the human race. To find a way forward, she must look to the oldest stories of all for guidance.

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