Tiny Habits: Why Starting Small Makes Lasting Change Easy | 拾書所

Tiny Habits: Why Starting Small Makes Lasting Change Easy

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改變生活比你想像的要容易得多,無論是減重、睡眠充足還是恢復工作生活平衡——秘訣就是從小事做起! 多年來我們一直被告知維持健康和高效率是意志力的問題,我們應該追隨最新的時尚潮流,因此不斷改變我們的生活方式,但無論飲食、健身計劃還是工作方面,激進的改變都行不通,相對的我們應該從小勝利開始——將全新、微小的習慣融入到我們的日常生活中。 這領域的專家是矽谷傳奇人物 BJ Fogg,他是研究心理學家先驅,也是史丹佛行為設計實驗室的創始人。任何人都可以使用他以科學為基礎的方法做出易於實現且持久的改變。 BJ Fogg說明如何透過一次一個微習慣提升我們的生活,基於20年的研究和指導40,000多人的經驗,他破解出習慣養成的密碼。專注於容易改變的事情,而不是困難的事情;專注於你想做的事,而不是你應該做的事,其核心是一個驚人的事實——創造更快樂、更健康的生活可以很容易,而且出奇地有趣! Improving your life is much easier than you think. Whether it’s losing weight, sleeping more, or restoring your work/life balance – the secret is to start small. For years, we’ve been told that being more healthy and productive is a matter of willpower: that we should follow the latest fad and make constant changes to our lifestyles. But whether in our diets, fitness plans or jobs, radical overhauls never work. Instead we should start with quick wins — and embed new, tiny habits into our everyday routines. The world expert on this is Silicon Valley legend BJ Fogg, pioneering research psychologist and founder of the iconic Behaviour Design Lab at Stanford. Now anyone can use his science-based approach to make changes that are simple to achieve and sticky enough to last.

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