The 6:20 Man | 拾書所

The 6:20 Man

$ 499 元 原價 499
退役軍人Devine每天搭乘6:20的火車前往市區的金融公司上班,擔任分析師的他希望有朝一日也能名利雙收,一天他卻收到一封奇怪的訊息「她死了」,接著警方通知他,前女友在他的辦公室上吊自殺,而一通神秘的電話則警告他,若不想讓過去在軍中的事情曝光,就要接受委託,深入調查公司背後的金融秘辛… Having survived combat tours in Afghanistan and Iraq and been decorated with medals, Travis Devine mysteriously leaves the Army under a cloud of suspicion. And at thirty-two years old, he's swapping fighting the Taliban and Al Qaeda for a different kind of danger in the cut-throat world of high finance. His daily commute on the 6.20 a.m. train into New York's financial district, to his new job as an analyst at the minted powerhouse investment bank Cowl and Comely, takes him into a world where greed, power, jealousy and ambition result in the financial abuse of the masses and the enrichment of an elite few. But it is on this daily journey that he passes a house where he sees something that sounds alarm signals he cannot ignore.

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