英文版 Beyond the Story : 10-Year Record of BTS | 拾書所

英文版 Beyond the Story : 10-Year Record of BTS

$ 999 元 原價 2,200
防彈少年團 ‧ 首本官方自傳 【英文版】收錄40張未公開全彩照片! ★防彈少年團出道10週年,首度出版官方書籍★說出你所知道的防彈少年團,與不為人知的故事 2013年6月13日邁出第一步後,防彈少年團將於2023年6月迎來出道10週年。 他們不再需要任何頭銜,作為國際巨星登上巔峰,就此開啟了新的篇章。 本書將透過這段時間的音樂活動,重溫他們過去的經歷。 經過多年的準備和製作,首本由經紀公司BIGHIT MUSIC出版的防彈少年團官方書籍終於上市, 收錄由防彈少年團親口敘述,人們好奇且至今從未聽過的故事! ★一路相伴的花樣年華,青春記憶的初紀錄 ★超過三年深度取材,紀錄防彈少年團親口描述的團隊足跡與幕後故事 THE FIRST EVER OFFICIAL BOOK— Published in celebration of BTS’s 10th Anniversary, stories that go beyond what you already know about BTS, including unreleased photos, QR codes of videos, and all album information. After taking their first step into the world on June 13, 2013, BTS will celebrate the 10th anniversary of their debut in June 2023. They have risen to the peak as an iconic global artist and during this meaningful time, they look back on their footsteps in the first official book. In doing so, BTS nurtures the power to build brighter days and they choose to take another step on a road that no one has gone before. BTS shares personal, behind-the-scenes stories of their journey so far through interviews and more than three years of in-depth coverage by Myeongseok Kang, who has written about K-pop and other Korean pop culture in various media. Presented chronologically in seven chapters from before the debut of BTS to the present, their vivid voices and opinions harmonize to tell a sincere, lively, and deep story. In individual interviews that have been conducted without a camera or makeup, they illuminate their musical journey from multiple angles and discuss its significance.

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