Scattered All Over the Earth | 拾書所

Scattered All Over the Earth

$ 550 元 原價 550
【當國家「消失」了,國族認同又該何去何從?】 由於天災和極端氣候的影響,世界各地開始出現因為天災而出現的難民潮,許多國家在這次浩劫中消失了,包括日本。 整個日本國土已深深沉沒在海中,剩下數量稀少的原日本人四散在歐洲各處,而他們消失的國家,則被外人在模糊的回憶裡被統稱為「壽司之地」。倖存者之一的比留子(Hiruko)在丹麥教導移民小孩們最新的語言─Panska,來自世界各地的移民也改變的地域的文化與邊界,比留子一邊教書一邊上節目,為的就是尋找和她一樣,仍記得過去母語的人,意外開啟一趟神秘的旅程… A mind-expanding, cheerfully dystopian novel about friendship, difference and what it means to belong, by a National Book Award-winning novelist. Welcome to the not-too-distant future. Japan, having vanished into the sea, is now remembered as 'the land of sushi'. Hiruko, a former citizen and a climate refugee herself, has a job teaching immigrant children in Denmark with her invented language Panska (Pan-Scandinavian): 'homemade language. no country to stay in. three countries I experienced. no time to learn three different languages. might mix up. insufficient space in brain. so made new language. homemade language most Scandinavian people understand'.

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