The Unfolding | 拾書所

The Unfolding

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「大傢伙」是個道道地地的純正美國人,他熱愛他的家庭,妻子和女兒,也熱愛財富與他的國家,直到2008年美國總統大選結果出爐,「大傢伙」非常失望,他覺得他心目中的美國被偷走了,於是他和一群跟他有相同想法的男人組織在一起,試圖密謀讓他們的國家再次正常。但這時讓他擔憂的事還不止這件,妻子夏洛特因為流產而走不出悲痛,女兒梅格翰則發現,原來父親教導她關於國家的歷史─同時也是她最喜歡的科目─全部都是假的! 大膽、幽默、極富嘲諷,A.M.Homes用高明的手法描繪現代美國社會裡真實存在的面貌,同時也再次讓讀者思考,何謂民主、自由與平等,這些建構美國、並被奉之為圭臬的思想,至今是否已被實踐。 The Big Guy loves his family, money and democracy. Undone by the results of the 2008 Presidential election, he taps a group of like-minded men to reclaim their version of America. As they build a scheme to disturb and disrupt, the Big Guy also faces turbulence within his family and must take responsibility for his past actions. For his wife and daughter are having their own awakenings: self-denying Charlotte enters rehab, and eighteen year old Megan, who has voted for the first time, explores a political future that deviates from her father's ideology, while delving into deeply buried family secrets.

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