Our Share of Night | 拾書所

Our Share of Night

$ 599 元 原價 599
✰ 衛報、泰晤士報專文推薦! 安立奎茲以魔幻寫實文學控訴阿根廷骯髒戰爭。 一對失去妻子、母親的父子踏上旅程,前往至親的故鄉⋯ 時值阿根廷1976年軍政府時期,社會動盪不安,擁有奇特能力的璜帶著兒子賈斯柏正四處逃亡,璜可以隔空開鎖、預知生死、甚至看見死者的形體,而賈斯柏繼承父親奇特的能力,且還有與另一個世界溝通的能力,那些邪靈與魔鬼紛紛靠近賈斯柏,璜除了必須保護兒子不受這些惡靈的入侵,同時還必須防範一個勢力龐大的的邪教組織「The Order」,因為賈斯伯的特殊能力是他們夢寐以求的天賦… His father could find what was lost. His father knew when someone was going to die. His father had talked to him about the dead who rode in on the wind. The dead travel fast. Gaspar is six years old when the Order first come for him. For years, they have exploited his father’s ability to commune with the dead and the demonic, presiding over macabre rituals where the unwanted and the disappeared are tortured and executed, sacrificed to the Darkness. Now they want a successor.

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