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$ 332 元 原價 420
【金權、階級和親密關係,華爾街的大亨遊戲】 ✰ 2023普立茲小說獎得獎作品! ✰ 2022布克獎初選入圍! 取材自一九二九年華爾街股市崩盤歷史,結合小說、傳記、日記等文體,層層堆疊出廿世紀初葉資本主義肆虐的冷酷異境與投資客的無情。 爭議作家凡納的暢銷小說惹惱了金融梟雄貝渥,小說顯然影射貝渥,且將其亡妻麥芮形容為瘋婦;貝渥決意撰寫回憶錄反擊,寫手艾達昧著良心共謀打擊凡納,塑造聖潔的麥芮形象;而麥芮的日記則又提供了另一種觀點⋯ An unparalleled novel about money, power, intimacy, and perception. Even through the roar and effervescence of the 1920s, everyone in New York has heard of Benjamin and Helen Rask. He is a legendary Wall Street tycoon; she is the daughter of eccentric aristocrats. Together, they have risen to the very top of a world of seemingly endless wealth—all as a decade of excess and speculation draws to an end. But at what cost have they acquired their immense fortune? This is the mystery at the center of Bonds, a successful 1937 novel that all of New York seems to have read. Yet there are other versions of this tale of privilege and deceit.

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