Yoshihiro Narisawa: Satoyama Cuisine | 拾書所

Yoshihiro Narisawa: Satoyama Cuisine

$ 41,999 元 原價 41,999
【首度以出版品型式,介紹由得獎名廚成澤由浩領軍的米其林二星日本料理「里山」。全球1000套限量發行。】 .內容: 由得獎主廚成澤由浩領軍,精通日法料理的他,料理食材與研發、強調並根基於與自然環境的連結。書中有里山多道按季節設計的招牌料理之精美照片與介紹。 .特色: 有專屬收納書盒、首頁有流水編號+主廚與本書攝影師的親筆簽名。 .限量: 全球限量發行1000套。 .價格: USD 1,250 ;台幣特別優惠價41,999元! Yoshihiro Narisawa’s manifesto on cuisine in harmony with the natural world. Award-winning Japanese chef Yoshihiro Narisawa has turned to his homeland and nature to develop his innovative satoyama cuisine and culinary philosophy. Inspired by the Japanese tradition of foraging for ingredients on the land between mountains and villages, the area of satoyama, and by similar traditional methods for gathering food, Narisawa has created recipes and dining experiences based on the sustainable use of native ingredients.

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