I Must Betray You | 拾書所

I Must Betray You

$ 299 元 原價 455
《紐約時報》暢銷作家、《灰影地帶》作者露塔.蘇佩提斯2022最新著作! 若為自由死,你真的願意拋下一切? 為了獨立民主,你會如何選擇? 1989,全球風起雲湧的一年。 這年,歐洲共產政權垮台。 羅馬尼亞的17歲少年Cristian,夢想成為一名作家。 但在極權國家,筆是比槍更令獨裁者懼怕的武器。 因此,Cristian不可能擁有夢想。不但如此,他還被秘密警察盯上、勒索被迫成為線人。 在這樣一個被孤立、瀰漫恐懼的獨裁國家,他只有兩個選擇: 背叛他身邊所愛的人們; 或是冒著極高風險、待時機成熟利用身分摧毀東歐最惡名昭彰的獨裁者。 Cristian做出選擇:揭露政權真相、為國人發聲,將發生在國內的恐怖,傳遞出世界。 但,如此為自由革命,卻讓他付出了不小的代價... 故事大師露塔.蘇佩提斯強勢回歸之作, 背景是鮮少人著述的東歐獨裁歷史: 這是一個充滿苦痛、噤忌的故事。 但除此之外,讀者也可看見,人類在逆境中,那令人動容的不死信念。 A gut-wrenching, startling historical thriller about communist Romania and the citizen spy network that devastated a nation, from the #1 New York Times bestselling, award-winning author of Salt to the Sea and Between Shades of Gray. Romania, 1989. Communist regimes are crumbling across Europe. Seventeen-year-old Cristian Florescu dreams of becoming a writer, but Romanians aren’t free to dream; they are bound by rules and force. Amidst the tyrannical dictatorship of Nicolae Ceaușescu in a country governed by isolation and fear, Cristian is blackmailed by the secret police to become an informer. He’s left with only two choices: betray everyone and everything he loves—or use his position to creatively undermine the most notoriously evil dictator in Eastern Europe. Cristian risks everything to unmask the truth behind the regime, give voice to fellow Romanians, and expose to the world what is happening in his country. He eagerly joins the revolution to fight for change when the time arrives. But what is the cost of freedom? Master storyteller Ruta Sepetys is back with a historical thriller that examines the little-known history of a nation defined by silence, pain, and the unwavering conviction of the human spirit.

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