雅思考試準備 ◎ 本書包含:
☛ 4份學術型練習試題,包含2023年近期雅思題型
☛ 2份一般訓練型練習試題
☛ 考試題型的線上音檔
☛ 聽力題型提供逐字稿
☛ 考題均附詳細解答與說明
☛ 多種問題類型一次練習到位,如多選、簡答、填空、圖表、摘要、分類等
Barron’s updated IELTS Premium provides practice for both Academic and General Training tests. Get practice and explanations for all of the question types, plus audio tracks for the listening section.
This edition features:
Four practice Academic tests reflective of the most recent exams
Two practice General Training tests
Online audio for all tests and activities
An audioscript for the listening sections
Explanatory answers for all test questions
Practice with all question types, including multiple-choice, short answer, sentence completion, flowchart completion, graphs, tables, note taking, summarizing, labeling diagrams and maps, classification, matching, and selecting from a list