A Guest in the House | 拾書所

A Guest in the House

$ 499 元 原價 499
The stories Carroll creates have a deep, literary-grounded feel but they are entirely original. Her voice is unique and powerful and I, for one, am addicted to it.' GUILLERMO DEL TORO A contemporary gothic horror and comics classic, perfect for fans of Neil Gaiman, Joe Hill, Stranger Things and The Haunting of Hill House 「我之前一直做著一個關於伯爵夫人、騎士與龍的夢」 剛新婚不久的艾比正在適應她的新生活:在超商的結帳櫃台上班,為新婚的丈夫大衛與她的繼女克莉絲托烹煮晚餐。 她一直都是一個頗為安靜的人,對這樣的生活並沒有怨言。 只是艾比始終對克莉絲托的媽媽─大衛的前妻─那個沒有人提過名字的女性感到好奇,她是怎麼過世的?他們曾經在港口旁擁有的那棟奇怪房子發生過什麼事? 當艾比發現大衛前妻遺留的畫作,她再也無法忽視自己內心的疑惑與恐懼…大獲好評的哥特風心理驚悚圖像小說! I used to dream of Dragons. Abby is settling into married life: making coffee, cooking for David and her stepdaughter Crystal, spending evenings curled up together in front of the TV. For a quiet woman without many friends, she's proud of the life she has built, and desperately wants to believe they will all be happy. But what really happened to Crystal's mother, the artist who no-one speaks of? What secrets does their strange house by the water harbour, and what of Abby's old dreams and fears, of Lady Grey, the Knight and the Dragons? In her chilling return - a story of grief, ghosts, and the struggle to be true to oneself - Emily Carroll casts another unforgettable spell.

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