The Bathysphere Book: Effects of the Luminous Ocean Depths | 拾書所

The Bathysphere Book: Effects of the Luminous Ocean Depths

$ 799 元 原價 799
1930年6月11號,鳥類與海洋生物學家威廉‧畢普搭乘深海調查用的球型潛水裝置,潛入3000尺的海底,只靠著連通至海平面上船隻的電話線對外通訊,在被濃厚到無法感覺自己存在的黑暗之中,他看見了深海世界生物令人恐懼震懾的樣貌與難以明言斑斕顏色,他的紀錄帶給後世海底生物學家重要的參考文獻,口述生物樣貌也經由德國出身的藝術家Else Bostelmann繪製,努力呈現、市圖去勾勒出那些如異形般前所未見的魚種和無法被歸類的顏色。 11 June, 1930. On a ship floating near the Atlantic island of Nonsuch, a curious steel ball is lowered 3000 feet into the sea. Crumpled up inside, gazing through three-inch thick quartz windows, sits the famed zoologist William Beebe. With uncontrollable excitement, he watches as bizarre, never-before-seen creatures flit out of the inky blackness, illuminated by explosions of bioluminescence. He is the first person to witness this alien world. Beebe’s dives take place against the backdrop of a transforming and paradoxical America, home to ground-breaking scientists, eccentric adventurers, and eugenicist billionaires. Yet under the ocean’s crushing pressure, scientific expectations disintegrate; the colour spectrum shatters into new dimensions; outlandish organisms thrive where no one expected them. The Bathysphere Book blends research, storytelling, and poetic experiments, traveling through entangled histories of scientific discovery into the bottomless magic of the deep unknown.

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