Money Men: A Hot Startup, A Billion Dollar Fraud, A Fight for the Truth | 拾書所

Money Men: A Hot Startup, A Billion Dollar Fraud, A Fight for the Truth

$ 478 元 原價 605
Wirecard曾經是價值300億美元的科技寵兒,一名記者將其轟然倒塌,如今已成為一座殘骸。現改編為 Netflix 紀錄片《金融醜聞:揭發Wirecard 詐欺案》(暫譯),講述了比小說更離奇的Wirecard故事。 When journalist Dan McCrum followed a tip to investigate the hot new tech company challenging Silicon Valley, everything about Wirecard looked a little too good to be true: offices were sprouting up around the world, it was reporting runaway growth and the CEO even wore a black turtleneck in tribute to Steve Jobs. In the space of a few short years, the company had come from nowhere to overtake industry giants like Commerzbank and Deutsche Bank on the stock market. As McCrum dug deeper, he encountered a story stranger and more dangerous than he ever imagined: a world of short sellers and whistleblowers, pornographers and private militias, hackers and spies. Before long he realised that he wasn't the only one in pursuit. Shadowy figures were following him through the streets of London, high-flying lawyers were sending ominous letters to his boss, and he was named as the prime suspect in a criminal inquiry. The race was on to prove his suspicions and clear his name. Money Men is the astonishing inside story of Wirecard's multi-billion-dollar fraud, Europe's biggest new tech darling revealed as a house of cards. Uncovering fake bank accounts, fake offices and possibly even a fake death, McCrum offers a searing exposé that will finally lay bare the truth.

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