The World’s Worst Monsters | 拾書所

The World’s Worst Monsters

$ 399 元 原價 715
英國暢銷作家大衛.威廉The World's Worst系列,2023年最新作來啦! 帶你進入鬼怪、殭屍、吸血鬼...的世界!如果你會害怕,千萬別打開這本書! The beloved World’s Worst series has captivated millions of readers. You’ve met the world’s worst children, the world’s worst parents, the world’s worst teachers and the world’s worst pets – but are you ready for the world’s worst monsters? If you don’t like ghosts, ogres, zombies, vampires, aliens, werewolves or mummies, DO NOT READ THIS BOOK. Laugh along to these ten terrifying tales of marvellous monsters, brought to you by David Walliams, and illustrated in glorious technicolour by Adam Stower.

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