The Atlas Six | 拾書所

The Atlas Six

$ 391 元 原價 495
如果你喜歡《Ninth House》和《 A Deadly Education》,你也會愛這本! 世界上最優秀的年輕魔術師接受了千載難逢的機會:六個人被選上,但有五個人必須離開! 亞歷山大學是世界上最好的魔法院士秘密社團,成員是古代最偉大文明失落知識的守護者。他們之中其中一人將贏得一席之地,並獲得驚人財富、權力和聲望。 每十年,世界上有六位最具天賦的魔術師會被挑選入會,他們都是最強的一時之選! - Libby Rhodes 和Nicolás Ferrer de Varona:不可分割的敵人,可以用思想控制物質的宇宙學家 - Reina Mori:能說生活本身語言的博物學家 - Parisa Kamali:具有無與倫比誘惑力的讀心者 - Tristan Caine:可以看到宇宙秘密的犯罪頭目的兒子 - Callum Nova:可以帶來世界末日並擁有巨富的漂亮男孩,他有求必應 神秘的Atlas Blakely召集六位年輕人,告訴他們必須一起度過一年,才能獲得入會資格。 在此期間,他們可以探索魔法協會的檔案,並根據他們對神秘知識領域的研究成果進行審核。 而他們之中,有五個人會被淘汰。 唯有證明自己是最好的,才能被留下來。 The Atlas Six by Olivie Blake is the runaway TikTok must-read fantasy novel of the year. If you loved Ninth House and A Deadly Education, you’ll love this. The world’s best young magicians accept the opportunity of a lifetime. Six are chosen. Only five will walk away. The Alexandrian Society is a secret society of magical academicians, the best in the world. Their members are caretakers of lost knowledge from the greatest civilizations of antiquity. And those who earn a place among their number will secure a life of wealth, power, and prestige beyond their wildest dreams. Each decade, the world’s six most uniquely talented magicians are selected for initiation - and here are the chosen few... - Libby Rhodes and Nicolás Ferrer de Varona: inseparable enemies, cosmologists who can control matter with their minds. - Reina Mori: a naturalist who can speak the language of life itself. - Parisa Kamali: a mind reader whose powers of seduction are unmatched. - Tristan Caine: the son of a crime kingpin who can see the secrets of the universe. - Callum Nova: an insanely rich pretty boy who could bring about the end of the world. He need only ask. When the candidates are recruited by the mysterious Atlas Blakely, they are told they must spend one year together to qualify for initiation. During this time, they will be permitted access to the Society’s archives and judged on their contributions to arcane areas of knowledge. Five, they are told, will be initiated. One will be eliminated. If they can prove themselves to be the best, they will survive. Most of them.

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