Wolfsong | 拾書所


$ 478 元 原價 605
「永遠不會有人愛你和接受你的」 奧克斯的父親在他12歲時,丟下他和身體虛弱的母親人間蒸發,母子倆在貧乏破敗的綠溪鎮相依為命。 綠溪鎮只有一間餐館、麥當勞、酒鋪和一間只會放70年代電影的電影院,但奧克斯不想離開,為了還清銀行債務和維持家計,他決定一邊讀書、一邊在葛多開的雜貨店上班,葛多雖然脾氣差且嘴巴壞,卻總是默默替奧克斯著想。 16歲那一年,奧克斯家隔壁居然搬來了新鄰居‧班奈特家族,他們比過去奧克斯所見過的人都還要善良大方,他們對他微笑、伸出友誼的手,接納他進屋裡用餐,奧克斯第一次真正體會「家」的溫暖,尤其是年紀最小的喬伊,有著一頭金髮與明亮的雙眼,開朗、愛笑且熱情,總是注視著奧克斯,讓他的世界出現了光。 然而,他也慢慢察覺,班奈特一家比同年齡的孩子長得還快,力氣很大,喬伊身上有著一道始終無法癒合的神秘傷口,但奧克斯始終相信能認識他們是目前為止的人生裡最幸運的事,即使,班奈特一家不是人類,即使,他們會幻化成狼,在夜晚嚎叫著清亮的歌聲,那是奧克斯聽過最美的旋律。 但一場突如其來的血腥攻擊,摧毀了平和的生活,班奈特與奧克斯家遭到攻擊,奧克斯意外失去母親,父親慘遭殺害的喬伊則懷抱著復仇的憤怒,消失在樹林中。 奧克斯的心碎了,彷彿再度被父親拋棄,隨著時間一天天過去,多年前的那個恐怖的夜晚如同一場噩夢,連他都懷疑自己遭遇的一切只是幻覺時,成為男人的喬伊卻再度回到了綠溪鎮。奧克斯知道,他再也無法忽視他們之間命中注定、無法斬斷的羈絆,即便這段感情會讓他們置身於更大的危險之中,也在所不惜。 作者T.J.Klune曾以作品Under the Whispering Door榮獲蘭達文學獎(Lambda Literary Award),Wolfsong為綠溪鎮四部曲系列的第一部,出版後於最大線上書評社群Goodreads獲得讀者的極高迴響與期待,身為一名作家,一個同志,他堅信最重要的事情,就是透過創作為同志社群發聲,並帶來正面的改變。 From the Sunday Times bestselling author of The House in the Cerulean Sea, Under the Whispering Door and In the Lives of Puppets, Wolfsong is a story of love, loyalty, and family. Ox Matheson was twelve when his father taught him a lesson: Ox wasn’t worth anything and people would never understand him. Then he left. Ox was sixteen when the energetic Bennett family moved in next door, harbouring a secret that would change him forever. For the family are shape-shifters, who can transform into wolves at will. Drawn to their magic, loyalty and enduring friendships, Ox feels a gulf between this extraordinary new world and the quiet life he’s known. He also finds an ally in Joe, the youngest Bennett boy. Joe is charming and handsome, but haunted by scars he cannot heal. Ox was twenty-three when murder came to town, and tore a hole in his heart. Violence flared, tragedy split the pack and Joe left town, leaving Ox behind. Three years later, the boy is back. Except now he’s a man – and Ox can no longer ignore the song that howls between them. Wolfsong is the first book in beloved the Green Creek series by bestselling author TJ Klune. Continue the journey with Ravensong. Praise for TJ Klune: 'Like being wrapped up in a big gay blanket' – V. E. Schwab, author of The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue 'A whimsical, warm-hearted fantasy'– The Guardian 'A radiant treat' – Locus Magazine

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