Cloudmoney: Cash, Cards, Crypto and the War for our Wallets | 拾書所

Cloudmoney: Cash, Cards, Crypto and the War for our Wallets

$ 569 元 原價 770
【數位時代的貨幣戰,金融與科技的大亨遊戲】 已知新冠疫情加速多元數位支付的發展。請問:無現金社會對誰有利,對誰不利?現金終結就意味著隱私終結?雲貨幣的未來將比預期更早到來?財經記者史考特深入全球金融體系背後,揭發反現金遊說機制早已存在。他說明各種形式貨幣之間的技術、政治與文化差異,數十年來現金體系遭受的攻擊,以及銀行和科技業如何以進步之名聯手發動反現金戰爭。 Many of us rarely use cash these days. And the reach of corporations into our lives via cards and apps has never been greater. But what we're told is natural and inevitable is actually the work of powerful interests: the great battle of our time is for ownership of the digital footprints that make up our lives. Who benefits from a cashless society and who gets left behind? Is the end of cash the end of true privacy? And is a cashless future closer than we think? Cloudmoney tells a revelatory story about the fusion of big finance and tech, which requires physical cash to be replaced by digital money or 'cloudmoney'. Diving beneath the surface of the global financial system, Brett Scott uncovers a long-established lobbying infrastructure waging a covert war on cash, as banking and tech companies promote a cashless society under the banner of progress.

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