Peak Mind: Find Your Focus, Own Your Attention, Invest 12 Minutes a Day | 拾書所

Peak Mind: Find Your Focus, Own Your Attention, Invest 12 Minutes a Day

$ 525 元 原價 665
阿米希.查《顛峰心智: 每天練習12分鐘, 毫不費力, 攀上專注力高峰》 暫停一下,你還在嗎?你是否仍專注於當前頁面,還是已神遊到異世界,或擔心著未完成的工作清單?因為分心,你錯過了五〇%的生活,包括最重要的時刻。這不是你的錯,人腦天生就會受外界吸引。美國邁阿密大學心理學教授阿密希.賈從神經醫學角度幫助讀者——毫不費力的保持專注、從分心的拉力中奪回自己的注意力、對生活中的重要事物高度專注。 STOP FOR A MOMENT. Are you here right now? Is your focus on this page? Or is it roaming elsewhere, to the past or future, to a worry, to your to-do list, or to your phone? Whether you’re simply browsing, talking to friends, or trying to stay focused in an important meeting, you can’t seem to manage to hang on to your attention. No matter how hard you try, you’re somewhere else. The consequence is that you miss out on 50 percent of your life—including the most important moments. The good news: There’s nothing wrong with you—your brain isn’t broken. The human brain was built to be distractible. The even better news: You can train your brain to pay attention more effectively.

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