The Rose Oracle: A 44-Card Deck and Guidebook | 拾書所

The Rose Oracle: A 44-Card Deck and Guidebook

$ 850 元 原價 850
絕美玫瑰神諭卡,用玫瑰的古老且溫柔的能量,回歸初心找到平靜,讓玫瑰發揮治癒之力,讓你看見問題的答案… An oracle designed to support and guide the reader on their path to devotion and beauty. A breathtakingly beautiful invitation to reconnect with the Goddess and celebrate the sacred mysteries of the rose, nature and the feminine. A secret symbol of Goddesses of old, the rose has captivated mystics, artists, healers, and poets through the ages. She is much more ancient than we and has potent medicine for these times. This activating oracle opens the doorway to the physical and spiritual teachings of Mother Rose. May Her mysteries call you home to your own true nature and invite you to plant your soul more deeply than ever before.

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