Anna: The Biography | 拾書所

Anna: The Biography

$ 650 元 原價 1,050
【時尚教母傳奇登紐時暢榜,Vogue 時尚雜誌主編 安娜·溫圖 回憶錄】 安娜.溫圖曾任美國版和英國版Vogue版總編輯,睥睨全球時尚。 作者訪問溫圖的好友和合作對象,勾勒出她的崛起、時尚產業的更迭,及康泰納仕出版集團的複雜生態。 This definitive biography of Anna Wintour follows the steep climb of an ambitious young woman who would—with singular and legendary focus—become one of the most powerful people in media. As a child, Anna Wintour was a tomboy with no apparent interest in clothing but, seduced by the miniskirts and bob haircuts of swinging 1960s London, she grew into a fashion-obsessed teenager. Her father, an influential newspaper editor, loomed large in her life, and once he decided she should become editor-in-chief of Vogue, she never looked back.

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