Afternoons with the Blinds Drawn | 拾書所

Afternoons with the Blinds Drawn

$ 363 元 原價 550
90年代英式搖滾天團麂皮主唱Brett Anderson自傳:Brett Anderson的成團歷史、自身毒癮、樂手間的分合均收錄其中。The essential second volume of memoirs by Brett Anderson, which reveals the key years of the Suede story! The trajectory of Suede - hailed in infancy as both 'The Best New Band in Britain' and 'effete southern wankers' - is recalled with moving candour by its frontman Brett Anderson, whose vivid memoir swings seamlessly between the tender, witty, turbulent, euphoric and bittersweet. Suede began by treading the familiar jobbing route of London's emerging new 1990s indie bands - gigs at ULU, the Camden Powerhaus and the Old Trout in Windsor - and the dispiriting experience of playing a set to an audience of one. But in these halcyon days, their potential was undeniable. Anderson's creative partnership with guitarist Bernard Butler exposed a unique and brilliant hybrid of lyric and sound; together they were a luminescent team - burning brightly and creating some of the era's most revered songs and albums.

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