Our Missing Hearts | 拾書所

Our Missing Hearts

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《無聲告白》、《星星之火》作者伍綺詩2022最新作! 【以藝術反擊恐懼,面對不公不義的反烏托邦】 結合反烏托邦與東方神話,刻劃亞裔民族面對的困境與失落。 伍綺詩以關注家庭、種族和人際關係議題著稱,新作視野更擴及政治抗爭。小說描述不久將來,PACT(美國與文化傳統保護法案)縱容美國政府厲行種族分離策略,歧視亞裔暴行也被合理化。伯德九歲時,華裔詩人母親繆無故蹤影,白人父親囑咐他與母親斷絕關係、低調生活。三年後,伯德因一幅神祕圖畫決意尋母,進而發現繆激發了反PACT藝術行動⋯ From the #1 bestselling author of Little Fires Everywhere, a deeply heart-wrenching novel about the unbreakable love between a mother and child in a society consumed by fear. Twelve-year-old Bird Gardner lives a quiet existence with his loving but broken father, a former linguist who now shelves books in Harvard's library. He knows not to ask too many questions, stand out too much, stray too far. For a decade, their lives have been governed by laws written to preserve 'American culture' in the wake of years of economic instability and violence. To keep the peace and restore prosperity, the authorities are now allowed to relocate children of dissidents, especially those of Asian origin, and libraries have been forced to remove books seen as unpatriotic - including the work of Bird's mother, Margaret, a Chinese American poet who left the family when he was nine years old.

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