The Metaverse: And How it Will Revolutionize Everything | 拾書所

The Metaverse: And How it Will Revolutionize Everything

$ 689 元 原價 1,050
馬修.柏爾《元宇宙》--- 今夏最重要的元宇宙專書《The Metaverse》,Facebook 創辦人Mark Zuckerburg、《要塞英雄》電玩開發公司Epic Games創辦人Tim Sweeney盛讚推崇! 由全球首位定義元宇宙的創投家、前亞馬遜工作室(Amazon Studios)戰略主管Matthew Ball執筆撰寫,本書將帶領讀者深入了解元宇宙的各個面向,從元宇宙的基礎定義、到實現元宇宙背後所需的突破性技術,再到管理元宇宙世界可能面臨的問題,以及與元宇宙概念息息相關的 WEB 3.0、區塊鏈、NFT......等議題皆有深入的介紹與分析。 In the tradition of The Second Machine Age and Superintelligence comes the first book on the next internet: the metaverse. The term "metaverse" is suddenly everywhere, from debates over Fortnite to the pages of the New York Times to the speeches of Mark Zuckerberg, who proclaimed in June 2021 that "the overarching goal" of Facebook is to "bring the metaverse to life." But what, exactly, is the metaverse? As pioneering theorist and venture capitalist Matthew Ball explains, it is the successor to the mobile internet that has defined the last two decades. The metaverse is a persistent, 3D, virtual world-a network of interconnected experiences and devices, tools and infrastructure, far beyond mere virtual reality. And it is poised to revolutionize every industry and function, from finance and healthcare to payments, consumer products, and even sex work. The internet will no longer be at arm’s length; instead, it will surround us, with our lives, labor, and leisure taking place inside the metaverse. With sweeping authority, The Metaverse predicts trillions in new value-and the radical reshaping of society.

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