Unreasonable Success and How to Achieve It: Unlocking the Nine Secrets of People Who Changed the World | 拾書所

Unreasonable Success and How to Achieve It: Unlocking the Nine Secrets of People Who Changed the World

$ 565 元 原價 715
《80/20法則》作者 理查.柯克 : 揭開改變世界之人的九大秘密。 How do people of seemingly ordinary talent go on to achieve unexpected results? What can we learn from them? What are the ingredients for unreasonable success and how is it achieved? In this ground-breaking book, bestselling author Richard Koch charts a map of success, identifying the nine key attitudes and strategies can propel anyone to new heights of accomplishment. The pattern of success is fractal. It is endlessly varied but endlessly similar. Success does not require genius, consistency, all-round ability, a safe pair of hands or even basic competence. If it did, most of the people in this book would not have impacted the world as they did.

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