Manifest: 7 Steps to Living Your Best Life | 拾書所

Manifest: 7 Steps to Living Your Best Life

$ 599 元 原價 599
科學與智慧的相遇,體現的是一種哲學、一種自我發展的實踐,幫助實現目標,迎接更好的生活。 Written by self-development coach and 'Queen of Manifesting' Roxie Nafousi, this book is the essential guide to anyone and everyone wanting to feel more empowered in their lives. In just seven simple steps you can understand the true art of manifestation and create the life you have always dreamed of. Whether you want to attract your soulmate, land the perfect job, buy the home you have always wanted, or simply find more inner-peace and confidence, Manifest will teach you exactly how to get there . . .

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