The Whispers | 拾書所

The Whispers

$ 608 元 原價 770
紐時暢銷書《在所有母親之間》作者艾希莉.歐娟又一探討母職議題的精彩小說! 一個面對兒子無端墜樓、陷入昏迷的母親,緊守在孩子病床前,什麼話都不肯說…… 與這家女主人素來感情緊密的街坊媽友,在聽聞消息後,除了震驚外,也同時受到良心的拷問──每家的媽媽似乎都與這件墜樓案脫不了干係… One morning on Harlow Lane, four families' lives are changed forever. Whitney Loverly can only sit by her son's hospital bed after he falls from his bedroom window in the middle of the night. She refuses to speak to anyone. Back at home, the Loverlys' neighbours must reckon with their own roles in the tragedy - their selfless best friends who live across the street, the ambitious Goldsteins who desperately want a family of their own, and the quiet elderly couple who spend their days people watching on the front porch. But what happens next, when over the course of a week, the hidden and explosive truths that connect these families must come out? Exploring envy, motherhood and the intuitions that we silence, this is a novel that asks what happens when good people make bad choices.

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