Shutdown: How Covid Shook the Worlds Economy | 拾書所

Shutdown: How Covid Shook the Worlds Economy

$ 499 元 原價 935
《崩盤:金融海嘯十年後》作者新書! 新冠肺炎疫情爆發數周後,各國試圖圍堵盤旋而上的公衛災難,全球經濟陷入停頓。航班停飛;供應鏈斷裂;旅遊、石油、飯店等產業一夕崩潰;數億人失業。 各國央行採取空前的干預措施維持經濟基本運作。這是二次大戰後全球經濟體系首次收縮,故事還不知如何結局。 哥倫比亞大學經濟史學教授圖澤檢視全球經濟遭受蹂躪的殘骸,分析下一步該走向何方。 When the news first began to trickle out of China about a new virus in December 2019, risk-averse financial markets were alert to its potential for disruption. Yet they could never have predicted the total economic collapse that would follow in Covid-19's wake, as stock markets fell faster and harder than at any time since 1929, currencies across the world plunged, investors panicked, and even gold was sold.

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