揮舞翅膀, 流動宇宙的意識 | 拾書所

揮舞翅膀, 流動宇宙的意識

$ 405 元 原價 450
至於寫作的靈感,大多源於賽斯書系列的閱讀,以及聆聽許添盛醫師所有相關的演講、讀書會、CD。如果內容符合真理,這是賽斯、魯柏及許醫師的功勞;如果有任何偏頗之處,必然是我的理解錯誤。 慶幸自己得於此生接觸賽斯書之餘,更加相信未來文明將邁向:擴展意識、回歸心靈。 This book is the sequel to “Freeing the Chinese Characters by Starting with Humanity — A Discussion on the Culture of Chinese Character and the Teaching of Spirituality”. The format mostly follows the previous book. However, as for the content, different choices and ch

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