I Love You: Romantic Quotes for the One You Love | 拾書所

I Love You: Romantic Quotes for the One You Love

$ 385 元 原價 385
✰精裝珍藏書 ✰浪漫愛情佳句 智慧的話語和對愛情的肯定—— 收集古今名人描述愛情的佳句,是美妙的低喃也是激昂的表達,充滿溫柔、希望和激情的甜言蜜語,精裝製作值得珍藏,適合送給愛慕之人表達愛意。 A beautiful, heartfelt collection of wise words and powerful affirmations of love – the perfect gift to show you care, whatever the occasion. Love conquers all. Does your love for your partner leave you speechless? Luckily, all the romantic things you could ever hope to express to your special someone have already been said – and by folks much wiser and more eloquent than us love-struck mortals. So let this collection of tender, starry-eyed and passionate quotes do the talking, and show how much your beloved means to you. It’s a beautifully eloquent expression of love and desire, and the perfect gift for the one who has captured your heart.

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