Deep Purpose: The Heart and Soul of High-Performance Companies | 拾書所

Deep Purpose: The Heart and Soul of High-Performance Companies

$ 1,050 元 原價 1,050
【Forbes 富比士2022最佳商業書籍】「目標」,對於許多領導者而言,已淪為一種制式的宣傳工具。 且經常和策略、使命、願景、價值觀...等概念混為一談。此書作者為知名哈佛商學院教授,其建議重新評估「目標」在管理上可帶來的效益潛力。本書將重新定義讀者對於「目標」的理解;並從根本上,改變執行目標的方式,且進一步對個人和團隊置入更深度的目標、並達成更佳績效。 ✰ Forbes, Best Business Books of 2022 ✰ The Next Big Idea Club, Best Leadership Books of 2022 ✰ Thinkers50 Top 10 Best New Management Books for 2022 A distinguished Harvard Business School professor offers a compelling reassessment and defense of purpose as a management ethos, documenting the vast performance gains and social benefits that become possible when firms manage to get purpose right.

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