Fashionopolis (Young Readers Ed.): The Secrets Behind the Clothes We Wear | 拾書所

Fashionopolis (Young Readers Ed.): The Secrets Behind the Clothes We Wear

$ 380 元 原價 630
【快時尚對環境和社會正義的影響】 有沒有想過你的牛仔褲是從哪裡來的? 你的 T 恤是誰做的?被丟棄的衣服會發生什麼事? 製作衣服從原料、設計、縫製並運往世界各地,到消費者購買和丟棄它們—這個過程中的每一步都對環境、製衣工人以及我們的文化產生重大影響。 這本書向我們展示了每天穿和扔掉的衣服是如何製成的,以及這對地球和世界各地的人們意味著什麼。 A look at fast fashion and its impact on the environment and social justice, perfect for middle grade classrooms Did you ever think about where your jeans come from? How about the people who made your T-shirt, or what happens to the clothes you grow out of when you’re done wearing them? The fabrics clothes are made of, the way they are designed and sewn and shipped around the world, and the way we consume them and get rid of them–every step in this process has a big impact on our environment, on the people who work in clothing factories, and on our cultures. This nonfiction book shows us how the clothes we wear–and throw away–every day are made, and what that means for our planet and for people around the world.

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