Nomad Century: How Climate Migration Will Reshape Our World | 拾書所

Nomad Century: How Climate Migration Will Reshape Our World

$ 699 元 原價 699
直指極端氣候已經帶來的威脅,將永久逆轉人類的生存模式。 正視極端氣候已經帶來的威脅,氣候變得更加難以預料且破壞力更為驚人。 當每一年的颶風讓更多人失去家園,當每一個海岸線都逐漸模糊消失,森林野火卻一年年更兇猛難阻,數以萬計的人民必須因此遠離國家,成為移民、難民,有些人甚至選擇乾脆居無定所,這樣的現象又會對我們的世界帶來何種影響?科學作家蓋雅‧凡斯指出,大至世界組織、國家政策,小至個人習慣與觀念,對於改善能源開採與使用維護的議題,若無法真正落實環保與永續,人類的地域疆界與生活方式終將受到不可逆的改變。 FROM AN AWARD-WINNING SCIENCE JOURNALIST comes an urgent investigation of environmental migration―the most underreported, seismic consequence of our climate crisis that will force us to change where―and how―we live. “We are facing a species emergency. We can survive, but to do so will require a planned and deliberate migration of a kind humanity has never before undertaken. This is the biggest human crisis you’ve never heard of.” Drought-hit regions bleeding those for whom a rural life has become untenable. Coastlines diminishing year on year. Wildfires and hurricanes leaving widening swaths of destruction. The culprit, most of us accept, is climate change, but not enough of us are confronting one of its biggest, and most present, consequences: a total reshaping of the earth’s human geography. As Gaia Vince points out early in Nomad Century, global migration has doubled in the past decade, on track to see literal billions displaced in the coming decades. What exactly is happening, Vince asks? And how will this new great migration reshape us all?

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