The Little Book of Kings & Queen: A Jewelled Collection of Royal Wit & Wisdom | 拾書所

The Little Book of Kings & Queen: A Jewelled Collection of Royal Wit & Wisdom

$ 259 元 原價 259
回顧與收錄歷史上多位國王與女王的經典語錄及相關史實。 回顧數千年的漫漫人類史,各國各朝代歷任國王和女王的故事總是令人入迷又驚嘆;這本小指南集結許多關於知名君主帝后們引人入勝的有趣史實和令人驚奇的軼事、也收錄國王、女王們睿智與發人省思的名言。 Kings and Queens are monarchs and are still present in many countries around the world, thousands of years after the first rulers took over, and despite many of them holding no power. Most of the world has no monarchy, some of it a figurehead only, and even fewer an actual active head of state, but stories of Kings and Queens are often in the news as people are fascinated by rulers of their own and other countries. Amazing stories surround Kings and Queens throughout history, and The Little Guide to Kings and Queens is right royally resplendent with fascinating and fun facts, amusing and amazing anecdotes, witty and wise quotes, and plenty of lists. It adds up to a regal reserve of recreation for your mind.

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