Talent: How to Identify Energizers, Creatives, and Winners Around the World | 拾書所

Talent: How to Identify Energizers, Creatives, and Winners Around the World

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【在這個「線上」的時代,你需要精進表達,能力才會被看到!】 泰勒.科文/ 丹尼爾.葛羅斯《人才: 識才、選才、求才、留才的10堂課》 ✰ 金融時報年度最佳圖書初選! 如何在面試時發揮所長,讓面試官看到你真正的能力? 怎麼問問題為自己加分? 視訊會議時,如何運用技巧說服主管或客戶? 在這個因為疫情導致人際交流都轉為線上化的時代,我們更需要倚賴並發揮自己的能力,才能夠被看見。每個人天生都有著不同的才能,但如何被發掘、被適材適用,讓經濟學者Tyler Cowen和創投企業家Daniel Gross投入研究,他們發現,找到真正有才華的人至關重要,甚至能夠帶動影響公司的組織文化。 透過調查與科學數據分析,他們整理出基本的概念與實踐作法,包括如何在短暫的面試裡讓對方看見你的能力,如何判別一個人的性格與態度、並為之尋找合適的職務,如何在線上互動溝通時有效達成目標等,他們也對女性和身體障礙者在工作能力上常有被低估的情況,提出改善與解決之法。 無論你是想被好工作、好雇主看見的求職者,或是求才若渴的企業人資,這本書提供你找到正確之途的方向。 The art and science of talent search: how to spot, assess, woo, and retain highly talented people. How do you find talent with a creative spark? To what extent can you predict human creativity, or is human creativity something irreducible before our eyes, perhaps to be spotted or glimpsed by intuition, but unique each time it appears? Obsessed with these questions, renowned economist Tyler Cowen and venture capitalist and entrepreneur Daniel Gross set out to study the art and science of finding talent at the highest level: the people with the creativity, drive, and insight to transform an organization and make everyone around them better.

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