Frankenstein | 拾書所


$ 277 元 原價 350
Signature Classics經典文學系列:瑪麗.雪萊《科學怪人》 歷史上第一本科幻小說─《科學怪人》,作者瑪莉‧雪萊是詩人雪萊的妻子,在與丈夫參加完一場鬼故事聚會後獲得靈感,瑪莉於是寫就這本劃時代的經典,同時她也成為史上第一本科幻小說的創作者。 故事描述船員羅伯特‧沃爾頓參加往北方的遠程探險時,他們意外在冰天雪地的極地裡救了一個落魄、疲憊且意識混亂的人,在大家悉心照料下逐漸恢復健康,在羅伯特與他的談話中,這個男人─維克多‧法藍肯斯坦娓娓道來一段驚悚離奇的故事,關於企圖創造生命後引發的一連串悲劇,以及那個怪物... For years, Dr. Victor Frankenstein labors to create a new race of intelligent beings. He spends his nights scavenging body parts from graveyards, slaughterhouses, and hospital dissection rooms. By day he experiments in his secret laboratory, perfecting the creature who, he believes, will worship him as a god. But when he succeeds, Frankenstein is horrified by the ugly brutishness of the patchwork being he has brought to life—and abandons his creation. The novel that translated the stormy ethos of the gothic novel into the foundation for modern science fiction, Frankenstein is a terrifying story about how monsters—of all kinds—are made.

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