To Rule the Waves: How Control of the World's Oceans Shapes the Fate of the Superpowers | 拾書所

To Rule the Waves: How Control of the World's Oceans Shapes the Fate of the Superpowers

$ 519 元 原價 519
布魯斯.瓊斯《海權經濟大未來: 國旗跟著貿易前進》 【控制海洋就是控制世界,霸權的崛起與海權和經濟之間的關係】 ✰ 華爾街日報專文推薦! 全球知名智庫布魯金斯學會學者叩問誰將統治海洋主導未來。他點出全球商業運作、海軍軍備競賽與海洋價值所在,闡明繫於海洋的三大地緣政治鬥爭:軍事、經濟和氣候變遷。 For centuries, oceans were the chessboard on which empires battled for supremacy. But in the nuclear age, air power and missile systems dominated our worries about security, and for the United States, the economy was largely driven by domestic production, with trucking and railways that crisscrossed the continent serving as the primary modes of commercial transit. All that has changed, as nine-tenths of global commerce and the bulk of energy trade is today linked to sea-based flows. A brightly painted forty-foot steel shipping container loaded in Asia with twenty tons of goods may arrive literally anywhere else in the world; how that really happens and who actually profits from it show that the struggle for power on the seas is a critical issue today.

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