The Crane Husband | 拾書所

The Crane Husband

$ 549 元 原價 549
《喝下月亮的女孩》作者 凱莉.龐希爾 2023最新作! 15歲的少女一肩扛起家計,扶養弟弟麥可,媽媽是個織品藝術家,沉浸在創作與藝術追求裡,家裡的大小事都由少女決定。 六年來,他們三個人相依為命,母親總是會歡迎一些「客人」─男性─住進他們家,但他們僅僅停留一晚之後就離去。 一天,母親帶回來了一隻巨大的鶴回來,那隻鶴充滿著威脅的氣息,嚇壞了少女與弟弟。 母親相對待戀人般對帶那隻鶴,甚至用鶴掉落的羽毛編織,按照鶴的意思創作,街訪鄰居開始注意到這個情況,甚至開始討論是否該請政府單位介入,將兩個孩子帶離... 紐伯瑞金獎獲獎作家凱莉.龐希爾以日本民間故事《白鶴報恩》為靈感,用細膩與暗喻的手法描寫面對創傷與忽略的孩子,如何勇敢面對並找到出路。 Award-winning author Kelly Barnhill brings her singular talents to The Crane Husband, a raw, powerful story of love, sacrifice, and family. “Mothers fly away like migrating birds. This is why farmers have daughters.” A fifteen-year-old teenager is the backbone of her small Midwestern family, budgeting the household finances and raising her younger brother while her mom, a talented artist, weaves beautiful tapestries. For six years, it’s been just the three of them—her mom has brought home guests at times, but none have ever stayed.

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