You Got This: Uplifting Quotes and Affirmations for Inner Strength and Self-Belief | 拾書所

You Got This: Uplifting Quotes and Affirmations for Inner Strength and Self-Belief

$ 385 元 原價 385
【內在能量與自我肯定的療癒語錄】 Stay fearless and focused with the help of the powerful quotations and awesome affirmations in this pocket-sized collection of unshakeable confidence. If you’ve got a goal or a dream, never let doubt stand in your way. Setbacks and worries are totally normal, but the right words at the right time can help you overcome them. This little book, packed full of powerful quotes and valuable reminders, is the perfect companion on your quest to conquer your fears and claim your victory. From the timeless ideas of ancient sages to sound advice from modern superstars, these are words to get you feeling great and thinking big.

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