Noma 2.0: Vegetable, Forest, Ocean | 拾書所

Noma 2.0: Vegetable, Forest, Ocean

$ 1,999 元 原價 2,625
世界最佳餐廳冠軍:北歐料理「Noma」 全球老饕心目中必朝聖的「2021世界最佳50餐廳」冠軍,也是榮獲米其林三星肯定的丹麥餐廳「Noma」,2018年關閉「Noma」之後沉潛,隨後再以「Noma 2.0」為名重新開張,帶來與時令變化一起共伴呼吸的精緻季節料理、呈現令人驚豔的創意料理新高度。 There’s a reason Noma sits atop the list of the world’s best restaurants. Every bite, every dish, every course surprises, delights, challenges, and deeply satisfies in a way that’s unique in the world of dining. As the New York Times’s Pete Wells wrote recently in praising Noma’s flavors, “sauces are administered so subtly that you don’t notice anything weird going on; you just think you’ve never tasted anything so extraordinary in your life.” In Noma 2.0, René Redzepi digs deep into the restaurant’s magic through the creation of nearly 200 dishes, each photographed in spectacular beauty and detail.

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