Tattoo Wonderlands: A Colouring Book | 拾書所

Tattoo Wonderlands: A Colouring Book

$ 499 元 原價 499
【國際紋身藝術家Cally-Jo的第一本著色書】 原創且令人驚艷的精細白描紋身圖案,每一幅都是自成一格的世界或場景--從熱帶花卉溫室到神秘的貓頭鷹或威嚴神氣的王者之獅,從海底寶藏到古老的日本面具,可作為紋身樣式參考、也是一本精美細緻的著色本。 Open the door into new worlds ready to complete and colour with the first colouring book from international tattoo artist Cally-Jo. Each spread in this original and surprising colouring book takes you into a different world or scene, from tropical floral glasshouses to mystical owls and whimsical lions, underwater treasures to ancient Japanese masks. Escape into your imagination as you complete and colour these beautiful pages.

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