Love, Clancy: Diary of a Good Dog | 拾書所

Love, Clancy: Diary of a Good Dog

$ 699 元 原價 699
【《為了與你相遇》系列暢銷作家布魯斯.卡麥隆新作】 克蘭西和大家一樣,他會寫日記、他會想墜入愛河,他會對他的對手感到惱火,有一點那麼不同的是…他是一隻狗! 克蘭西用日記記錄著他看到的一切,牠的主人,和主人遇到的問題,牠的好麻吉狗狗們,和討厭牠的家貓(克蘭西表示:反正我也討厭牠)。 以牠的目光和視角,世界變得有些不同,變得充滿樂趣且幽默,隨著克蘭西和牠的寵物夥伴意外出發各種事件,牠們一起在這場冒險中學會度過各種難關─包括與你討厭的對手和好。 From W. Bruce Cameron, the internationally bestselling author of A Dog’s Purpose and A Dog’s Way Home, comes Love, Clancy: Diary of a Good Dog, a deeply moving story with a brand-new cast of characters, including one very good dog. You’ve probably never met someone like Clancy. He’s keeping a diary, he’s falling in love, there are rivals for his affections, he lives with his best friend and his worst enemy – even taken together, these factors are maybe not that unusual, except that Clancy is a dog. His point of view is therefore perhaps…different.

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