Raphael: The Complete Works. Paintings, Frescoes, Tapestries, Architecture | 拾書所

Raphael: The Complete Works. Paintings, Frescoes, Tapestries, Architecture

$ 5,530 元 原價 7,000
【40公分大開本!】「文藝復興三傑」拉斐爾藝術全集Raphael (1483–1520) is considered the most important artist of the Italian High Renaissance alongside Michelangelo and Leonardo. In his short lifetime he created around one hundred paintings and numerous frescoes, including nine fresco cycles, on an unsurpassed variety of themes – from sensual female beauties, antique myths and portraits of wealthy Romans and church dignitaries to history cycles and biblical scenes. He produced altarpieces, as well as designing tapestries for the Sistine Chapel and directing the construction of St Peter’s Basilica. His Sistine Madonna is one of the most frequently reproduced religious paintings of all time.

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