Just Be You: Inspirational Quotes and Awesome Affirmations for Staying True to Yourself | 拾書所

Just Be You: Inspirational Quotes and Awesome Affirmations for Staying True to Yourself

$ 385 元 原價 385
【獲得勇氣和安慰,令人振奮人心的名言和有力的肯定】 Take courage and comfort from the uplifting quotations and powerful affirmations in this pocket-sized collection of unbeatable confidence. There’s nobody quite like you. Your passions and possibilities are limitless, even when the world tries to get you down. This little book, packed full of empowering quotes and valuable reminders, is the perfect companion on your journey to greater happiness and stronger self-belief. From the timeless ideas of ancient sages to sound advice from modern superstars, these are words to get you feeling great and thinking big.

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