Power and Prediction: The Disruptive Economics of Artificial Intelligence | 拾書所

Power and Prediction: The Disruptive Economics of Artificial Intelligence

$ 1,050 元 原價 1,050
AI人工智慧浪潮席捲而來,已深度影響全球多個領域:金融、醫療製藥、汽車工業、零售...。它將幫忙預測計算出經濟成本更低、更優質、更快的決策。但當此預測帶來的改變大到一定程度,「改變」將變成翻天覆地的「顛覆」! Disruption resulting from the proliferation of AI is coming. The authors of the bestselling Prediction Machines can help you prepare.Artificial intelligence (AI) has impacted many industries around th...

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