Tomb of Sand | 拾書所

Tomb of Sand

$ 1,050 元 原價 1,050
【2022布克國際獎得主,一根金色拐杖開啟年長者的冒險】 印度語作家吉坦嘉莉‧施里榮獲二〇二二年布克國際獎之作,結合民間傳說、奇幻和文字遊戲等元素,探討及時與永恆的課題,也反映出北印度的宗教、女權、政治分裂、跨性別等社會現況。八旬老婦在丈夫過世後陷入重度憂鬱,不肯下床活動。孝順的長子長媳,開朗的長孫都勸不動她,反而是因生病無法發笑的次孫送給她一根金色拐杖,讓她展開冒險重新尋找自己。 A playful, feminist, and utterly original epic set in contemporary northern India, about a family and the inimitable octogenarian matriarch at its heart. “A tale tells itself. It can be complete, but also incomplete, the way all tales are. This particular tale has a border and women who come and go as they please. Once you’ve got women and a border, a story can write itself . . .” Eighty-year-old Ma slips into a deep depression after the death of her husband. Despite her family’s cajoling, she refuses to leave her bed. Her responsible eldest son, Bade, and dutiful, Reebok-sporting daughter-in-law, Bahu, attend to Ma’s every need, while her favorite grandson, the cheerful and gregarious Sid, tries to lift her spirits with his guitar. But it is only after Sid’s younger brother—Serious Son, a young man pathologically incapable of laughing—brings his grandmother a sparkling golden cane covered with butterflies that things begin to change.

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