受《經濟學人》盛讚的當代網路資安大師Bruce Schneier,將駭客的概念自網路語境中解放出來,並理出一套駭客心法,將之代入經濟、政治及法律……等各領域,讓所有抱持駭客心態的投機者,在人類社會中無所遁形。
It’s not just computers―hacking is everywhere.
Legendary cybersecurity expert and New York Times best-selling author Bruce Schneier reveals how using a hacker’s mindset can change how you think about your life and the world.
A hack is any means of subverting a system’s rules in unintended ways. The tax code isn’t computer code, but a series of complex formulas. It has vulnerabilities; we call them “loopholes.” We call exploits “tax avoidance strategies.” And there is an entire industry of “black hat” hackers intent on finding exploitable loopholes in the tax code. We call them accountants and tax attorneys.