The Boy with a Bird in His Chest | 拾書所

The Boy with a Bird in His Chest

$ 595 元 原價 595
【當你生來胸口就有一隻小鳥,是否還能夠擁有幸福的人生?】 歐文‧譚納沒看過有人跟他一樣,胸前有一隻成天吱吱叫的小鳥,連醫學中心看到都嚇到束手無策。 但當蓋兒(小鳥)探出頭的那天開始,歐文的媽媽為保護他,選擇母子倆永遠與世俗社會隔離,直到十餘年過去,歐文再也受不了無止境的孤獨,他決定展開一趟旅程,去探索這個可能將他當作怪物的世界。 他來到華盛頓尋找他的親戚,同時小心翼翼不要讓這個「祕密」太快被發現,歐文有生以來第一次感到何謂家人與友情,甚至是戀愛... Though Owen Tanner has never met anyone else who has a chatty bird in their chest, medical forums would call him a Terror. From the moment Gail emerged between Owen’s ribs, his mother knew that she had to hide him away from the world. After a decade spent in isolation, Owen takes a brazen trip outdoors and his life is upended forever.

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