Y/N | 拾書所


$ 499 元 原價 499
【緊扣韓流現象遊走虛實,李愛瑟首作一鳴驚人】 書評與影評作家李愛瑟跨界寫小說,作品獲選《君子》、《娛樂周刊》等時尙人文雜誌二〇二三年最受期待之書。小說描寫卅代韓裔美籍廣告寫手在韓國男團柏林演唱會上成為最年輕團員‧月的粉絲,她撰寫主角為Y/N(意為你的名字)和月的同人小說,允許讀者代入自己在小說中與月相遇。當月突然引退,她趕赴首爾追星,小說和現實的界線開始模糊⋯ Surreal, hilarious, and shrewdly poignant—a novel about a Korean American woman living in Berlin whose obsession with a K-pop idol sends her to Seoul on a journey of literary self-destruction. It’s as if her life only began once Moon appeared in it. The desultory copywriting work, the boyfriend, and the want of anything not-Moon quickly fall away when she beholds the idol in concert, where Moon dances as if his movements are creating their own gravitational field; on live streams, as fans from around the world comment in dozens of languages; even on skincare products endorsed by the wildly popular Korean boyband, of which Moon is the youngest, most luminous member. Seized by ineffable desire, our unnamed narrator begins writing Y/N fanfic—in which you, the reader, insert [Your/Name] and play out an intimate relationship with the unattainable star.

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